<?php /**************************************************** 原作者: uchinaboy 修改:lingshidao 特点:无需mysql支持;速度快;无需设置路径,放在哪级目录下,就搜索该目录和子目录;可以搜索一切文本类型的文件;显示文件相关内容;关键词自动高亮显示。 修改内容:增加了自动分页和风格设置文件。 搜索框代码(如果放在search.php相同目录下,无需修改):<form method="post" action="search.php"><input type="text" name="key" size=40 value=""> <input type="submit" value="检索"></form> ****************************************************/ require ("template.php"); echo "<p align="center">"; echo "检索结果"; echo "</p><hr>"; if (function_exists("set_time_limit") && !get_cfg_var('safe_mode')){ set_time_limit(600);} function get_msg($path) { global $key, $i; $handle = opendir($path); while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { //echo $path."/".$filename."<br>"; $newpath = $path."/".$filename; if (is_file($newpath)) { $fp = fopen($newpath, "r"); $msg = fread($fp, filesize($newpath)); fclose($fp); match_show($key, $msg, $newpath, $filename); } if (is_dir($path."/".$filename) && ($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..")) { //echo "<BR><BR><BR>".$newpath."<BR><BR><BR>"; get_msg($path."/".$filename); } } closedir($handle); return $i; } function match_show($key, $msg, $newpath, $filename) { global $i; $key = chop($key); if($key) { $check_type = preg_match("/.html?$/", $filename); if($check_type) {$title = getHtmlTitle($msg);} $msg = preg_replace("/<style>.+</style>/is", "", $msg); $msg = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $msg); $value = preg_match("/.*$key.*/i", $msg, $res); if($value) { if($title) {$m = $title;} else {$m = $filename;} $i++; $link = $newpath; echo "$i.◆<a href="$link">$m</a><BR><BR>"; } }else { echo "请输入关键词"; exit; } } function getHtmlTitle($msg) { /* Locate where <title> is located in html file. */ $lBound = strpos($msg, '<title>') + 7; //7 is the lengh of <title>. if ($lBound <1) return; /* Locate where </TITLE> is located in html file. */ $uBound = strpos($msg, '</title>', $lBound); if ($uBound <$lBound) return; /* Clean HTML and PHP tags out of $title with the madness below. */ $title = ereg_replace("[tnr]", ', substr($msg, $lBound, $uBound - $lBound)); $title = trim(strip_tags($title)); if (strlen($title) <1) //A blank title is worthless. return; return $title; } $i = get_msg("."); echo "<hr><p align="center">"; echo " 已经搜索到了 $i 条信息"; ?> phpfans.net收集整理 |