1、 PHP片段四种表示形式。 标准tags:<?php ?> short tags:<? ?> 需要在php.ini中设置short _open_tag=on,默认是on asp tags: <% %>需要在php.ini中设置asp_tags=on,默认是off script tags:<script language=”php”></script> 2、 PHP变量及数据类型 1) $variable ,变量以字母、_开始,不能有空格 2) 赋值$variable=value; 3) 弱类型,直接赋值,不需要显示声明数据类型 4) 基本数据类型:Integer,Double,String,Boolean,Object(对象或类),Array(数组) 5) 特殊数据类型:Resourse(对第三方资源(如数据库)的引用),Null(空,未初始化的变量) 3、 操作符 1) 赋值操作符:= 2) 算术操作符:+,-,*,/,%(取模) 3) 连接操作符:. ,无论操作数是什么,都当成String,结果返回String 4) Combined Assignment Operators合计赋值操作符:+=,*=,/=,-=,%=,.= 5) Automatically Incrementing and Decrementing自动增减操作符: (1)$variable+=1 <=>$variable++;$variable-=1 <=>$variable-,跟c语言一样,先做其他操作,后++或- (2)++$variable,-$variable,先++或-,再做其他操作 6) 比较操作符:= =(左边等于右边),!=(左边不等于右边),= = =(左边等于右边,且数据类型相同),>=,>,<,<= 7) 逻辑操作符:|| ó or,&&óand,xor(当左右两边有且只有一个是true,返回true),! 4、 注释: 单行注释:// ,# 多行注释:/* */ 5、 每个语句以;号结尾,与java相同 6、 定义常量:define(“CONSTANS_NAME”,value) 7、 打印语句:print,与c语言相同 8、 流程控制语句 1) if语句: (1)if(expression) { //code to excute if expression evaluates to true } (2)if(expression) { } else { } (3)if(expression1) { } elseif(expression2) { } else { } 2) swich语句 switch ( expression ) { case result // execute this if expression results in result1 break; case result // execute this if expression results in result2 break; default: // execute this if no break statement // has been encountered hitherto } 3) ?操作符: ( expression )?returned_if_expression_is_true:returned_if_expression_is_false; 4) while语句: (1) while ( expression ) { // do something } (2)do { // code to be executed } while ( expression ); 5) for语句: for ( initialization expression; test expression; modification expression ) { // code to be executed } 6) break;continue 9、 编写函数 1) 定义函数: function function_name($argument1,$argument2,……) //形参 { //function code here; } 2) 函数调用 function_name($argument1,$argument2,……); //形参 3) 动态函数调用(Dynamic Function Calls): <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.5</title> </head> <body> <?php function sayHello() { //定义函数sayHello print "hello<br>"; } $function_holder = "sayHello"; //将函数名赋值给变量$function_holder $function_holder(); //变量$function_holder成为函数sayHello的引用,调用$function_holder()相当于调用sayHello ?> </body> </html> 4) 变量作用域: 全局变量: <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.8</title> </head> <body> <?php $life=42; function meaningOfLife() { global $life; /*在此处重新声明$life为全局变量,在函数内部访问全局变量必须这样,如果在函数内改变变量的值,将在所有代码片段改变*/ print "The meaning of life is $life<br>"; } meaningOfLife(); ?> </body> </html> 5) 使用static <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.10</title> </head> <body> <?php function numberedHeading( $txt ) { static $num_of_calls = 0; $num_of_calls++; print "<h1>$num_of_calls. $txt</h1>"; } numberedHeading("Widgets"); //第一次调用时,打印$num_of_calls值为1 print("We build a fine range of widgets<p>"); numberedHeading("Doodads"); /*第一次调用时,打印$num_of_calls值为2,因为变量是static型的,static型是常驻内存的*/ print("Finest in the world<p>"); ?> </body> </html> 6) 传值(value)和传址(reference): 传值:function function_name($argument) <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.13</title> </head> <body> <?php function addFive( $num ) { $num += 5; } $orignum = 10; addFive( &$orignum ); print( $orignum ); ?> </body> </html> 结果:10 传址:funciton function_name(&$argument) <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.14</title> </head> <body> <?php function addFive( &$num ) { $num += 5; /*传递过来的是变量$num的引用,因此改变形参$num的值就是真正改变变量$orignum物理内存中保存的值*/ } $orignum = 10; addFive( $orignum ); print( $orignum ); ?> </body> </html> 结果:15 7) 创建匿名函数:create_function(‘string1’,’string2’); create_function是PHP内建函数,专门用于创建匿名函数,接受两个string型参数,第一个是参数列表,第二个是函数的主体 <html> <head> <title>Listing 6.15</title> </head> <body> <?php $my_anon = create_function( '$a, $b', 'return $a+$b;' ); print $my_anon( 3, 9 ); // prints 12 ?> </body> </html> 8) 判断函数是否存在:function_exists(function_name),参数为函数名 10、 用PHP连接MySQL 1) 连接:&conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "joeuser", "somepass"); 2) 关闭连接:mysql_close($conn); 3) 数据库与连接建立联系:mysql_select_db(database name, connection index); 4) 将SQL语句给MySQL执行:$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn); //增删改查都是这句 5) 检索数据:返回记录数:$number_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); 将记录放入数组:$newArray = mysql_fetch_array($result); 例子: <?php // open the connection $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "joeuser", "somepass"); // pick the database to use mysql_select_db("testDB",$conn); // create the SQL statement $sql = "SELECT * FROM testTable"; // execute the SQL statement $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); //go through each row in the result set and display data while ($newArray = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // give a name to the fields $id = $newArray['id']; $testField = $newArray['testField']; //echo the results onscreen echo "The ID is $id and the text is $testField <br>"; } ?> 11、 接受表单元素:$_POST[表单元素名], 如<input type=text name=user>ó$_POST[user] 接受url中queryString中值(GET方式):$_GET[queryString] 12、转向其他页面:header("Location: http://www.samspublishing.com"); 13、字符串操作: 1)explode(“-”,str)óJava中的splite 2)str_replace($str1,$str2,$str3) =>$str1要查找的字符串,$str2用来替换的字符串,$str3从这个字符串开始查找替换 3)substr_replace: 14、session: 1)打开session:session_start(); //也可以在php.ini设置session_auto_start=1,不必再每个script都写这句,但是默认为0,则必须要写。 2)给session赋值:$_SESSION[session_variable_name]=$variable; 3)访问session:$variable =$_SESSION[session_variable_name]; 4)销毁session:session_destroy(); 15、显示分类的完整例子: <?php //connect to database $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "joeuser", "somepass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("testDB",$conn) or die(mysql_error()); $display_block = "<h1>My Categories</h1> <P>Select a category to see its items.</p>"; //show categories first $get_cats = "select id, cat_title, cat_desc from store_categories order by cat_title"; $get_cats_res = mysql_query($get_cats) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($get_cats_res) < 1) { //如果返回记录行数小于1,则说明没有分类 $display_block = "<P><em>Sorry, no categories to browse.</em></p>"; } else { while ($cats = mysql_fetch_array($get_cats_res)) { //将记录放入变量$cats中 $cat_id = $cats[id]; $cat_title = strtoupper(stripslashes($cats[cat_title])); $cat_desc = stripslashes($cats[cat_desc]); $display_block .= "<p><strong><a href="$_SERVER[PHP_SELF][U1] ?cat_id=$cat_id">$cat_title</a></strong>//点击此url,刷新本页,第28行读取cat_id,显示相应分类的条目 <br>$cat_desc</p>"; if ($_GET[cat_id] == $cat_id) { //选择一个分类,看下面的条目 //get items $get_items = "select id, item_title, item_price from store_items where cat_id = $cat_id order by item_title"; $get_items_res = mysql_query($get_items) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($get_items_res) < 1) { $display_block = "<P><em>Sorry, no items in this category.</em></p>"; } else { $display_block .= "<ul>"; while ($items = mysql_fetch_array($get_items_res)) { $item_id = $items[id]; $item_title = stripslashes($items[item_title]); $item_price = $items[item_price]; $display_block .= "<li><a href="showitem.php?item_id=$item_id">$item_title</a> </strong> ($$item_price)"; [U2] } $display_block .= "</ul>"; } } } } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My Categories</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <? print $display_block; ?> </BODY> </HTML> 16、PHP连接Access: <? $dbc=new com("adodb.connection"); $dbc->open("driver=microsoft access driver (*.mdb);dbq=c:member.mdb"); $rs=$dbc->execute("select * from tablename"); $i=0; while (!$rs->eof){ $i+=1 $fld0=$rs->fields["UserName"]; $fld0=$rs->fields["Password"]; .... echo "$fld0->value $fld1->value ...."; $rs->movenext(); } $rs->close(); ?> |