<?php if ($EMAIL_INC) return; $EMAIL_INC= "defined"; define( "SmtpPort",25); class Pop3 { var $subject; // 邮件主题 var $from_email; // 发件人地址 var $from_name; // 发件人姓名 var $to_email; // 收件人地址 var $to_name; // 收件人姓名 var $body; // 邮件内容 var $filename; // 文件名 var $socket; // 当前的 socket var $Line; var $Status; function pop3_open($server, $port) { $this->Socket = fsockopen($server, $port); if ($this->Socket <= 0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return false; return true; } function pop3_user($user) { if ($this->Socket < 0){ return false; } fputs($this->Socket, "USER $this->userrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return false; return true; } function pop3_pass( $pass) { fputs($this->Socket, "PASS $passrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } function pop3_stat() { fputs($this->Socket, "STATrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; if (!eregi( "+OK (.*) (.*)", $this->Line, $regs)) return 0; return $regs[1]; } function pop3_list() { fputs($this->Socket, "LISTrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; $i = 0; while (substr($this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024), 0, 1) <> ".") { $articles[$i] = $this->Line; $i++; } $articles[ "count"] = $i; return $articles; } function pop3_retr($nr) { fputs($this->Socket, "RETR $nrrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; while (substr($this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024), 0, 1) <> ".") { $data[$i] = $this->Line; $i++; } $data[ "count"] = $i; return $data; } function pop3_dele( $nr) { fputs($this->Socket, "DELE $nrrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } function pop3_quit() { fputs($this->Socket, "QUITrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } } class Smtp { var $Subject; // string the email's subject var $FromName; // string sender's name (opt) var $ToName; // string recipient's name (opt) var $Body; // string body copy var $Attachment; // attachment (optional) var $AttachmentType; var $Socket; var $Line; var $Status; function Smtp($Server = "localhost",$Port = SmtpPort) { return $this->Open($Server, $Port); } function SmtpMail($FromEmail, $FromName, $ToEmail, $ToName, $Subject, $Body, $Attachment=null, $AttachmentType= "TEXT") { $this->Subject = $Subject; $this->ToName = $ToName; $this->FromName = $FromName; $this->Body = $Body; $this->Attachment = $Attachment; $this->AttachmentType = $AttachmentType; if ($this->Helo() == false){ return false; } if ($this->MailFrom($FromEmail) == false){ return false; } if ($this->RcptTo($ToEmail) == false){ return false; } if ($this->Body() == false){ return false; } if ($this->Quit() == false){ return false; } } function Open($Server, $Port) { $this->Socket = fsockopen($Server, $Port); if ($this->Socket < 0) return false; $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Helo() { if (fputs($this->Socket, "helorn") < 0 ){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Ehlo() { /* Well, let's use "helo" for now.. Until we need the extra func's [Unk] */ if(fputs($this->Socket, "helo localhostrn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function MailFrom($FromEmail) { if (fputs($this->Socket, "MAIL FROM: <$FromEmail>rn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function RcptTo($ToEmail) { if(fputs($this->Socket, "RCPT TO: <$ToEmail>rn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Body() { $FileSize = 0; $Attachment = null; $fp = null; $buffer = sprintf( "From: %srnTo:%srnSubject:%srn", $this->FromName, $this->ToName, $this->Subject); if(fputs($this->Socket, "DATArn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "3") return false; if(fputs($this->Socket, $buffer)<0){ return false; } if ($this->Attachment == null){ if(fputs($this->Socket, "MIME-Version: 1.0rnContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1rnContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitrnrn")<0){ return false; } if(fputs($this->Socket, "$this->Bodyrnrn")<0){ return false; } if(fputs($this->Socket, ".rn")<0){ return false; } $this-> POP3、SMTP邮件收发程序 发表时间: 2001年09月28日 阅读次数: 18 推荐给朋友 打印本页 <?php if ($EMAIL_INC) return; $EMAIL_INC= "defined"; define( "SmtpPort",25); class Pop3 { var $subject; // 邮件主题 var $from_email; // 发件人地址 var $from_name; // 发件人姓名 var $to_email; // 收件人地址 var $to_name; // 收件人姓名 var $body; // 邮件内容 var $filename; // 文件名 var $socket; // 当前的 socket var $Line; var $Status; function pop3_open($server, $port) { $this->Socket = fsockopen($server, $port); if ($this->Socket <= 0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return false; return true; } function pop3_user($user) { if ($this->Socket < 0){ return false; } fputs($this->Socket, "USER $this->userrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return false; return true; } function pop3_pass( $pass) { fputs($this->Socket, "PASS $passrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } function pop3_stat() { fputs($this->Socket, "STATrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; if (!eregi( "+OK (.*) (.*)", $this->Line, $regs)) return 0; return $regs[1]; } function pop3_list() { fputs($this->Socket, "LISTrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; $i = 0; while (substr($this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024), 0, 1) <> ".") { $articles[$i] = $this->Line; $i++; } $articles[ "count"] = $i; return $articles; } function pop3_retr($nr) { fputs($this->Socket, "RETR $nrrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; while (substr($this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024), 0, 1) <> ".") { $data[$i] = $this->Line; $i++; } $data[ "count"] = $i; return $data; } function pop3_dele( $nr) { fputs($this->Socket, "DELE $nrrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } function pop3_quit() { fputs($this->Socket, "QUITrn"); $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "+") return 0; return 1; } } class Smtp { var $Subject; // string the email's subject var $FromName; // string sender's name (opt) var $ToName; // string recipient's name (opt) var $Body; // string body copy var $Attachment; // attachment (optional) var $AttachmentType; var $Socket; var $Line; var $Status; function Smtp($Server = "localhost",$Port = SmtpPort) { return $this->Open($Server, $Port); } function SmtpMail($FromEmail, $FromName, $ToEmail, $ToName, $Subject, $Body, $Attachment=null, $AttachmentType= "TEXT") { $this->Subject = $Subject; $this->ToName = $ToName; $this->FromName = $FromName; $this->Body = $Body; $this->Attachment = $Attachment; $this->AttachmentType = $AttachmentType; if ($this->Helo() == false){ return false; } if ($this->MailFrom($FromEmail) == false){ return false; } if ($this->RcptTo($ToEmail) == false){ return false; } if ($this->Body() == false){ return false; } if ($this->Quit() == false){ return false; } } function Open($Server, $Port) { $this->Socket = fsockopen($Server, $Port); if ($this->Socket < 0) return false; $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Helo() { if (fputs($this->Socket, "helorn") < 0 ){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Ehlo() { /* Well, let's use "helo" for now.. Until we need the extra func's [Unk] */ if(fputs($this->Socket, "helo localhostrn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function MailFrom($FromEmail) { if (fputs($this->Socket, "MAIL FROM: <$FromEmail>rn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function RcptTo($ToEmail) { if(fputs($this->Socket, "RCPT TO: <$ToEmail>rn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "2") return false; return true; } function Body() { $FileSize = 0; $Attachment = null; $fp = null; $buffer = sprintf( "From: %srnTo:%srnSubject:%srn", $this->FromName, $this->ToName, $this->Subject); if(fputs($this->Socket, "DATArn")<0){ return false; } $this->Line = fgets($this->Socket, 1024); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1); $this->Status[ "LASTRESULTTXT"] = substr($this->Line, 0, 1024); if ($this->Status[ "LASTRESULT"] <> "3") return false; if(fputs($this->Socket, $buffer)<0){ return false; } if ($this->Attachment == null){ if(fputs($this->Socket, "MIME-Version: 1.0rnContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1rnContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitrnrn")<0){ return false; } if(fputs($this->Socket, "$this->Bodyrnrn")<0){ return false; } if(fputs($this->Socket, ".rn")<0){ return false; } $this-> |